“Balkans & Black Sea Forum”, 13-14 December 2022

Athens, December 9, 2022

Dear Members,

I wish to inform you of the forthcoming “Balkans & Black Sea Forum” which will be held at the Acropolis Museum in Athens next week. In the context of IENE’s cooperation with the “Balkans & Black Sea Forum” and as I shall be chairing the first session of the conference on Tuesday morning, December 13, the organisers have kindly extended an invitation to interested IENE members who may wish to attend the event.

A total of 30 complimentary registrations of IENE 30 complimentary registrations for in-person participation and 50 complimentary registrations for virtual attendance of the Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2022. Registration link here.

Physical coupon code is BBSF2022-phIENE while the virtual coupon code is BBSF2022-viIENE

To the field “where did you hear about Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2022” please choose “other” and place IENE.

The BBSF is an independent economic platform and a pivotal hub for leading business- & policymakers committed to enhancing stability, growth and cooperation across the Balkan and Black Sea regions. Distinguished speakers and prominent influencers from the public and private sectors engage and interact in order to review challenges, assess implications, identify opportunities and explore innovative ways for promoting security, sustainable development and bi/multilateral cooperation.

The 4th edition of the Balkans & Black Sea Forum highlighting “The Eurasian nexus post 2022: high-stakes arena for security, trade and investments”, will take place in Athens Acropolis Museum on 13-14 December 2022, thus paving the way for a sincere, coherent and constructive dialogue, needed today more than ever before, as the recent events in Eastern Europe led to a new and dangerously destabilizing situation, the dire consequences of which are still to be defined.

Capitalizing on the precious cooperation with leading regional & international organizations, among other UN Women, EAAS, BSEC, RCC, European Banking Federation, IENE, ELIAMEP, Clingendael Institute, etc., the BBSF’s exciting agenda of this year features: *Energy supply & security, Environmental commitments in a world of sanctions and disruptions *Innovation & Technology, Financing, Investments at serving society *Connectivity-Infrastructure *Regional cooperation/integration based on the economic geography of the regions * Investing in gender innovation to build sustainable economies *Global convulsions and their impact on the Balkans & the Black Sea region.

Best regards,

Costis Stambolis

Chairman & Executive Director

Institute of Energy for South East Europe

Programming Partner BBSF2022


Ινστιτούτο Ενέργειας Νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης (ΙΕΝΕ)

Aλεξ. Σούτσου 3, 10671 Αθήνα, Τηλ.: 210-3628457, 3640278, Fax: 210-3646144

e-mail: [email protected], website: www.iene.gr